PCS exam is conducted by PPSC in Punjab as this is the exam for Punjab Civil Services. All the relevant, updated & detailed study material for PCS Prelims is provided at our academy in Chandigarh. If the core areas like History, Geography, Economy and Environment are taken care of and proper reading of newspaper are done, then the first paper can easily be tackled. GURUJI’s KIRPA S.N.M.IAS Academy students are trained to cope with the time pressure of the exams as well as the difficulty level of the exams. Daily classroom lectures are enriched with 360 degree analysis of current affairs. Students’ performance is monitored through regular classroom tests.Join PCS Mains Test Series Coaching Center in Chandigarh at SNM IAS ACADEMY.
SNM IAS Academy is the best PCS coaching institute in India. We treat our students as unique entities who have specific & distinct psychological & emotional needs other than the knowledge & information seeking tendency. Our team is fully devoted to students with full hard work, dedication, honesty and sincerity. There is one to one equation between teacher & students. Teachers are highly accessible and full time available thus providing students a safe and secure hound for IAS preparation .